
The Flying Needles Stitch Library

Fly through your project

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We are so excited to share our new series for 2025!

Whether you are a new stitcher (hi and welcome!) or a seasoned stitcher - one thing we all have in common is that we want to learn. This series is meant to be a fun way to learn new stitches or excite you to use an old favorite again.

We will post a new stitch each month and encourage you to try it on something you stitch that month. If you want to share it on social media, tag us so we can see your progress! This document will also be accessible on our website and downloadable. We hope you enjoy this series!

Parisian Stitch
parisian stitch stitch library

Parisian Stitch

By Merideth Henry
Double Woven Stitch
double woven stitch stitch library

Double Woven Stitch

By Merideth Henry
Nobuko Stitch
nobuko stitch stitch library

Nobuko Stitch

By Merideth Henry